country germany
type custom made promotion freeby
media cdr
label universal
notes in 2003 coca-cola company had a special promotion activity in germany called "music makes your summer". on every bottle of coke, sprite, fanta and so on there was a coupon that could be taken off. for 36 of these coupons you could order a custom made cd with 12 individually chosen tracks on it. on the coca-cola website you could decide which tracks you wanted from a choice of 96 and what text the cd labels should show. then the chosen cd was sent by mail.
so with 'only' 288 bottles you could get 8 cds with all the tracks (and some rotten teeth)

code 0013041901
track you know you're right
pictures front sleeve (1), front sleeve (2), back sleeve (1), insert (example), cd (example)
notes card sleeve, custom insert with track list
two sleeve variations are known, others may exist